
Photography series

An Algae bloom is a surreal phenomena which sees a flourishing of beautifully saturated and unnatural colours, fuse with its host surroundings. This phenomena occurs primarily in aquatic ecosystems, where changes to the environment, causing an excess of nutrients (like nitrogen and phosphorus), lead to a rapid increase and accumulation of algae.

This phenomena can occur naturally, or be triggered by human interference.

Bloomscapes repositions the familiar with the surreal. The elevated infrastructures of the modern metropolis are submerged in a vast sea. A bloom of fluroescent pink sea weed entangles pylons at a pier. An underwater forest flourishes on the ocean floor. Finally, Shanghai is transformed into a contemporary Atlantis; a stage for liquid dreams.

This series was photographed during a visit by the artist to Shanghai in September 2019. “Every direction I pointed my lens, the view port was filled with a curious blend of engineered repetition and natural chaos. Hard angular concrete juxtaposed with the softness and colour of both the wild undergrowth and billowing clouds. The landscape was radiating beautifully in infrared light.”

“Bloom (noun): the state or time of flowering; a mass of planktonic algae in lakes, ponds, or the sea, as in the development of red tides.”


Vines dangle from overhead wires, bearing an uncanny resemblance to sea weed growing in an underwater kelp farm. Plant life sways gently in the breeze as though shifting with the motion of an unseen tide.


The Yan’an elevated freeway was constructed in the mid 90s. Cutting through Shanghai, linking Hongqiao airport to the The Bund, the freeway hosts some of the most spectacular spaghetti junctions in the world. Looping, intertwined and overlapping roads are suspended 20-30 metres overhead; a paragon of modern engineering.


The overhead roadways are lined with hundreds of thousands of potted plants. Clipped to the exterior of the roads, suspended over the void. The orderly repetition is both beautiful and daunting – evoking the scale of industrialised farming practices.

Bloomscapes Exhibition

November 13-25, 2020

Babekuhl Gallery: 110A Oxford St, Darlinghurst, Sydney

Babekühl Gallery - Darlinghurst, Sydney
Handmade 1/1
Babekühl Gallery - Darlinghurst, Sydney

“Shanghai reframed as a contemporary Atlantis; a stage for liquid dreams.”


Aporto 1/1 - Paint on C Type print
entrapo 1/1 - Paint on C Type print
Retunga - Paint on Giclée print 1/1
Next Project: Mappemonde